Saturday, April 3, 2010

tiny hem

Hare some pictures of the tiny hem: how it shouldn't look (above) and how to sew it to avoid that (below two pics)

These are some I did when I had trouble getting the hem to stay straight as I went over the seam (above). I realized that when I am sewing the first fold-over I shouldn't be folding the hem up at that particular bulky place where the seam is. That's what makes it get shorter for 2-3 inches where the hem is. Doesn't look good.
I remembered what I used to do and have been trying that again and taking pictures to illustrate.
When creating the tiny hem: with the first fold-over don't fold up where the seam is. When you are ~1.5 inches from the seam hold the fabric to be folded over on the far side of the seam and just run the stitches right through the seam. The hem will look similar on either side. It will get straightened out during the second fold-over. The below pic is how the hem looks at the seam after the first fold-over. If you click on the pictures they should pop up much bigger so you can see the seam area in greater detail.

During the second fold-over do the same (that is: before you get to the seam hold the hem folded over in place on the far side of the seam before you get to it) and make the hemline straight, then sew right over/through. The final hem edge comes out a lot more even-looking from the front, which is important. The below picture is the finished seam, after the second fold-over, as seem from the inside. I wanted you to see what it looks like at the seam. I have been trimming the serger thread after doing the hem: letting the creation of the hem be what ties off the thread, if you know what I mean.

You can see the splotchy printing job of this fabric that I was telling you about. It's much more noticeable on the back. The splotches are paler on the front than the rest of the print. I put those panels on the back and inside of the skirt. I marked the worst ones. These skirts will be marked down in price, but I think I'll be able to sell them all because people love this print so much.

Friday, September 5, 2008

card back version 3

here is a third version, cleaned up quite a bit. what do you think?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

internet-based feedback session # 2

Hi everyone. thanks for showing up for this feedback session. Here's the front of the postcard - the real thing will be higher resolution.
I could use some feedback on the text and design on the back especially. There are two versions below. Click on them to make them larger so you can read them better.
You can leave comments on this blog or email them to me at
I'm not even going to tell you what this event is. If you can't tell by reading the postcard, I need to know.
should I list all the cookies?
is it all too much info? (please say no)
use smaller font? I do have older people on my mailing list. they spend well and I want them to be able to read it.
does anyone know how much space I'm supposed to leave for the stamp, etc?
I could get rid of that box for the stamp. I mostly put that there as a guide for myself while designing.
please comment on the composition in general.
the picture of me in the apron is there because the full aprons have really started to take off recently and I think this is going to be the product I focus on for a while.
I'll find out if I can have those little pix on the back in color.
Thank you so much for your input.
Please let me know if I can do anything comperable for you : >

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Larson With Kittens on Etsy Treasury

Check out this Etsy Treasury collection by Night Owl Creations. It's called "The Young Men of Etsy" and includes a hottie I recognise.
Visit Night Owl Creations and buy some of Tess's beautiful jewelry.
I just saw her last weekend in a community production of Romeo and Juliette in which she got to play both of the starring roles at different points times in the production. Inspired.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

full color mini "postcard"

Thank you so much for coming to my feedback blog!

I really really really appreciate you all helping me get it right before I put it out for the rest of the world. This isn't something you have to think a lot about or spend a lot of time on, but the little time you do spend helps me very much. I hope it is fun for you and not arduous. If it is arduous, buy all means don't get involved!

Compensation details: On the docket and in need of feedback in the coming weeks are new hang tags and my 2007 Holiday Season Major Drawing Product Giveaway And New Product Naming Contest (and maybe something else). Your honest, clear feedback is very valuable to me. If you can get through it all (and I hope it really doesn't require much effort on your part) I'd like to send each of you a brand new HotHolder of your choice* and a kinda-last-year-but-still-adorable coaster = a $30 value or a 4-Way-Entry-Bag (great for clothespins) = a $46 value. What ever part of these projects you comment on, I'll send you something for your efforts. If your household is already inundated with HotHolders and the like, think of giving them away to a friend or deserving relative and you have that much less shopping to do.

Sorry I'm so wordy!

Here's the first project for you to comment on:

This is a draft of what will be my new full color "mini" postcards. For some reason, when I upload it in color it appears in the negative (not pretty!). The B&W version below is the one to inspect. These are not intended to be mailed. They are to give out at shows and to interested parties. I'm designing and ordering them as a 6x4 postcard. I'll then cut those in half and have two styles of minis. I do have traditional size business cards that are black text on white, just the contact info thank you very much, suitable for the rolodex. Some day I'll probably order postcards for mailing out, but that's a different project.

my objectives : These "minis" are intended to be an attractive, informative token. They are intended to give more info in image and text than a biz card. I want folks to know my wares are handmade by me, an idea of what they look like, what they are made out of, that they are eco-friendly. I also want to give folks some way to contact me and learn more through my website and blog. I'll end up with two different styles and I like that: 2 diff pix, I'm pretty okay with one having full contact info and the other not - but I still want your input on that issue. I will be able to print stickers listing my holiday vending schedule to put on the back of the cards.

You can click on the image to see it bigger. (I'm going to be working on getting rid of the white around the HotHolder) You can give me your feedback by leaving a comment on this blog (signing in using your google account i.e. gmail, or creating one) or emailing comments to me at

points I would especially like feedback on:

1. "sustainably handmade" is not part of the name of my business. It's a descriptive phrase, used instead of "eco-friendly." Is this clear or confusing along the bottom of the card in bold? Should it be in the text only like the top version? My spell-check doesn't always recognize "sustainably" so maybe it's a made-up word, but is it easy to understand what it means? Is it better in the text or at the bottom? Both okay?

2. Should I always include my full contact info incl street address or not? it takes up a lot of space. why would folks need my street address? they can get if off my website. Is it okay to have a version of full and one of not?

3. the text:
a. Am I trying to say too much in one breath? Is it a run-on sentence? (it's not even a full sentence, I know...) But is it confusing? basically understandable? If anyone would like to throw some alternative wording at me, I'd love to see it please.
b. "using" or "from?" as in "...created by Sarah O. Green using/from vintage..fabrics."
c. Is "delightful" the right word? any other suggestions?

4. At the bottom of the top card: Should I say "featuring" or just have "HotHolders" and the slogan?

Thank you for helping me with your comments!

in gratitude and with affection,

* you can see the latest styles of HotHolders on my other blog
I also have Los Ninos, little flying/fleeing bulls, vintage fabrics and more. If you see me over the next few months you can pick one out yourself.